Sun, sand and over tanned topless women

Street  at night.The beats of the street bars are floating in as I type this message in sync. We are currently in Liaim – one of the night life centres on Koh Samui. As I look out the window I see a number of open air bars with holiday makers (from families with young children, to middle aged men looking for partners) enjoying local beer and the cool of the evening.

Well Koh Samui is everything that you would hope a holiday resort would be plenty of blond haired, big breasted women with great tans accompanied by their six foot companions who get around in tank tops (if your lucky) and stubbies. Matt seems to have a finally tuned radar for the topless bathers (lucky for him) and his half blind wife has to wait until she trips over them to get a thrill. Unfortunately Matt and I haven’t gotten into the topless bathing scene because our fair skin seems to be repelled by the sun.

Not much to report really…it is exactly as the postcard depict it…coconut trees everywhere silhouetted against the sparkling blue ocean and white sand beaches. The rolling mountains in the center of the island are quite picturesque and the view of the surrounding eighty islands makes you realise why so many people come here for holidays. Prices are a little more expensive, but if you shop around you can still get “Thai prices”. Matt and I are relaxing and trying to recover from our spending spree in Chiang Mai – we loved the markets!

…gee life is tough…

I think that we will wonder out and get a cool beer and some corn off the barbie, followed by banana and chocolate rotti!

Wish you were here…really…but not spending too much energy worrying about it 😛

Don’t want to bore you with any more boring details of this place…until next time…

3 thoughts on “Sun, sand and over tanned topless women”

  1. I’m stuck at home with the flu and a little bored so I thought I would drop you a line. Good to see you survived Cambodia and are on your way to Vietnam. Say hello to dad for me and hope your tummy gets better. We are off to the Port Fairy Folk Festival this weekend and are looking forward to the artists. Victoria is busily writing stories on the computer to win a competition and poor Andrew is getting sick of his paper run. A little old lady ambushed him this morning re her paper and he was not impressed. Football training starts to night so we can take pooch for long run. He is saying woof to all of you right now as I type this message. We now have pet pigeon care of pooch. He still hasn’t figured how to eat birds just catch them! We did some walking with the Jorgensens the other day and it was good to get the boots on again and stomp around in the strubbery on Gellibrand Hill. Well I had better get on with some correction. Love David

  2. Happy Valentine’s Day! Sounds like you’re having an ok time.
    Not sure if I should email you or post here… but thanks for the postcard! Been thinking of you guys too… and things are looking good for me going to PNG just after easter.
    love and hugs Shar

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