Hello Melbourne, this is Bedford calling

View from our bedroom window of our little Rover 100 CarWe bit the bullet this weekend and decided it was time to get ourselves a car. Partially because we are off to Manchester next weekend to visit one off my uni mates and watch some live music (Chemical brothers and Missy Higgins). I don’t think that you miss your father’s so much as when you are looking for a car and trying to work out whether it is worth our hard earned £250.

We looked at a few private sale cars, but weren’t really impressed. There is an amazing amount of rust in the cars here, I think it is because of the salt they put on the roads during winter to break up the ice. So you guessed it, we returned to our trusty aucton house two doors down and bidded on a little Rover Metro 111…which we hoped would go 🙂 When cars are sold at aucton here they are generally sold with MOT (road worthy) and Tax (rego), so we kinda felt a bit confident about its condition. We got to start it and look over it before the aucton, and there didn’t appear to be any unusual noises. After sales tax and credit card premium (how odd buying a car on credit card) I think we were out of pocket £274. Our insurace cost more than the car!

It was great getting behing the wheel after 4 months. Our first destination was Tesco a huge supermarket where we purchased a few bits and pieces to fit out the car. A place looks a lot different when you are driving around, one way streets are suddenly significant and you are trying to find speed limit signs.

We collapsed after a long day of talking with insurance companies, organising parking permits and negotiating English roads. At least they drive on the same side of the road as us. We sat in front of the televion eating leftovers and Matt’s home made pancakes and watching Eurovision. I never thought it but the experience is definately hightened being in a country were we can vote. How does Israel get grouped in with Europe?? Anyhow I took my right to vote very seriously and judged all the performances on originality and entertainment value. Denmark got my vote – the guy had an amazing resemblance to Crown Prince Fredrik and I thought that he is almost an Aussie, so I kept the voting in the family like the rest of Europe does.

Anyhow…I think that it is road trip time…don’t forget to give us a buzz on our new number. Will upload some pictures of the car soon.

4 thoughts on “Hello Melbourne, this is Bedford calling”

  1. I’m still bored and stuck in firsat aid bay no 1. Great to here that you are back in good old Bedford and all is well. Tomorrow I’m off to camp with the cadets for our Grampians Duke of Edinburgh camp and we hope it will be good weather. It has been snowing in the alps for the last two days as the last dump of winter has come. Jess is really enjoying the mountain and has become a local girl. She is even talking about renovating the shack! I think she will be back on the mountain next year if she stays single! Opps we have just had a cardiac arrest and I have to go! love David

  2. Hi guys, we are stuck at the bottom of rod Laver Arena and the cadets wanted see the legendary travels of Phil and Matt so I have openned the send euros and this is what they said. Nellie says we are bored shitless here with not many patients and we hope you are having more fun and better weather than us. We can’t wait to scool holidays. Kate I don’t know what to say. Julia says that she is awesome ans she want sot travel too. Luke says not a great deal but he’s in charge and is the head honshow and must be obeyed at all times. We are all here to look after the mad students at Rock Eistedfod Finals and have only seen three patients today. Hope the rover is still in one piece after sitting one 130ks per hour for the last two weeks on German autobahns. Have you checked the oil! Thanks for the birtday card and all those kind words. Lots of love from me and the cadets we are off on patrol. David

  3. “How does Israel get grouped in with Europe” – its a technological boundary to do with satellite TV coverage rather than geographical/political boundaries. Well thats what I heard!

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