mmm… Swedish Pizza in Laos!

What an exciting day… After three prompts to get out of bed by Philippa, we were nearly too late for breakfast (Scrambled or “Sunny”); We than headed to the Laos version of the Arc de Triomphe, described as a “…big lump of concrete” (on it’s official plaque!!) – it was a little better than that, with great views from the top!

The most exciting part however was the discovery of a Swedish Pizza Shop for lunch! For those who haven’t tried one,… well,… let me put it this way – it’s almost worth flying to Sweden for! I will have to give you all a bite-by-bite account of the experiance some other time!

Off to the travel agent now, we are going to book some tix up north. Starting to miss some of you now! Oh, we managed to get a local SIM, however nobody has replied, so we don’t know if it works! Probably not!