Brrrrr…. It’s cold up here in Hanoi! Happy Easter Everyone!!
We last left you in the hills of Da Lat, about 10 days ago! Sorry for taking so long to post, we have just been having to much fun!
After a short (about 6 hours, yet only 150km from memory), uneventful bus trip we arrived at the sea-side city of Nha Trang – think of a Vietnamese Gold Coast, circa 1985! Our bus driver recomended a hotel upon arrival (I’m sure that he got a kick-back) which we eagerly accepted as it was cheap and clean; however we soon learned otherwise as white ants had also decided to make it home (you could hear them munching at the walls in the middle of the night).
I scoped the town out, for what appeared to be the best hamburger place and somehow managed to drag Philippa and Rob there for dinner. Afterwards I enjoyed a US$3.00 foot massage at the “Relax Hut” … hmmmm, they have a broad definition of what constitutes a foot,… I was centimeters away from being *really* relaxed!! Philippa however opted for a US$1.00 manicure (somewhat cheaper than our Bali experience) and spent the hour chatting to a newlywed from Frankston receiving the same treatment. The Frankston couple had been to the “Relax Hut” every day that week!
Philippa had decided that it was high time that we sent some birthday gifts home and took us on a death march to find the post office (she refused to take a Cyclo after our previous experience in Saigon). After what seemed like hours, and lots of “it should be just around this corner”, we finally found the place. We huffed and puffed up to the counter and handed over our neatly wrapped packages. We were politely informed in broken English that we had to unwrap the packages for inspection, and than fill out half a dozen forms – groan… all up, it took almost an hour to translate and fill in the correct forms and re-wrap the packages! Happy bloomin Birthday, hope you enjoy your pressies kids! 😛
Following our ordeal at the Post Office, Rob took us out for dinner to the best restraunt in town for Philippa’s birthday (a day early as we had planned to catch a bus the following day) – it was the “Sailing Club”, not exactly sure where it got it’s name as there where no boats! This place offered Indian, Vietnamese, Italian and Mexican cuisine. We opted for Indian and wow, we were not dissapointed, the best meal we have had on our trip!
Philippa’s birthday didn’t pass unnoticed – I think that she woke up at 5am and requested breakfast in bed. I comprimsed with her and took her back to the great hamburger place for breakfast (at about 9am, had to get my beauty sleep). Rob and Philippa spent the rest of the day on the beach, while I ran around town trying to organise a birthday present… that girl is hard to buy for. We met up for a late lunch/dinner (again, at the burger place) and it was Rob’s turn to bring up his lunch (and by the sound of it, his breakfast and dinner from the previous night too), he did so as we sang happy birthday to a candle lit icecream. The plans for the night bus to Ha Noi were aborted and Philippa went on a scouting mission for a hotel with a few less insect inhabitants. The “Dream Hotel” proved to be just that, compared to our prevuous experience. We vowed from then on not to take the first place offered by the bus company – no matter how cheap it is!
Rob was a terrible patient until he realised that he didn’t have the capacity to get out of bed – he slept for about 20 hours! As he was feeling much better, we decided to jump on the evening bus for the 12 hour trip Ha Noi!
Again, the trip was rather un-eventful other than the 2.30AM stop where I purchased a can of “coke” from a 7 year old! Apart from the fact that she should have been sleeping – getting ready for school, she tried to rip me off (price wise) AND… once I got back on the bus, I discovered it wasn’t coke (it was the equivalent of AC Cola from K-Mart).
Being all bright eyed and chirpy when we arrived at 6.30AM (yes, thats me being sarcastic) – we decided not to go for the first hotel our driver recommended,… or the second,… hell, even the third was no good! The bus driver ended up dumping us in town and we had to hoof it (well, Rob did – we stayed with the bags)! Lucky we did, we ended up at the nicest and newest place in town!
….oooops, I’m being kicked out of the Internet Cafe — Will finish soon!